Earth Bound

Let's reconnect with the Earth below our feet in a novel way.

Electronics can catch fire if they aren't grounded...

So do our bodies. Not literally of course, but the damage that our bodies deal with from not being grounded regularly (inflammation, insomnia, chronic pain, etc.) is very real.

Side note, the word "inflammation" does literally come from the latin roots "to set on fire..." Coincidence?

The Science

Over 20 peer-reviewed research studies* have been published on the extensive health benefits of grounding, which have shown impressive improvements in...

inflammation, sleep, pain & stiffness, circulation, blood pressure, cortisol, stress, depression, anxiety, tiredness, fatigue, energy, mood, blood glucose, blood viscosity, immunity, thyroid function, metabolism, wound healing, HRV, vagal tone, serum electrolytes, athletic performance & recovery, and more.

*All studies were conducted using indoor grounding devices.

Need to try something new?

Grounding is an incredibly easy and natural way to achieve results other things can't. Better sleep, reduced inflammation and pain, improved recovery and circulation, the list goes on and on. Try any of our products for 60 days and let us know what you think!

Your Questions, Answered

Yes! Please, that's what we were all intended to do. However, our Grounding products were designed to help those that don't have the ability to include barefoot walking in their daily routine.

We are here for people that work from home, commute daily, live in cities, or otherwise do not have time in their day to take their shoes off and experience Earth's benefits on their body.

Our outlets have a Ground connection for a reason- If a short circuit occurs, the ground wire will trigger the circuit breaker or fuse, offering a much safer alternative to the hazardous electrical shock that would otherwise occur.

In the same way that the ground wire reduces buildup of hazardous energy in our home, it can also do the same with our body. Our products connect directly to the ground through the exact same wire all of our devices rely on to work properly.

The electrons you absorb when grounding neutralize free radical damage; squelch inflammation; restore healthy endocrine function; enhance cellular gating and circulation, which improves cellular uptake of nutrients, oxygen and hormones while maximizing the removal of cellular waste — the list goes on and on.

Clinical research has shown that therapeutically and for overall health and wellbeing, the most important time to ground is when you sleep.

Sleeping grounded on an indoor grounding device has been shown to...

  • reduce pain and inflammation
  • improve sleep, metabolism, cellular function, HRV and vagal tone
  • decrease cortisol, stress, anxiety and depression
  • improve circulation, blood pressure, blood viscosity and blood glucose levels
  • up-regulate energy, performance, recovery and wound healing
  • improve mood, thyroid function, other hormonal production and immunity

and more.

Plus, there have been anecdotal reports of improvements in...

arthritis, autism, Parkinson’s, MS, PTSD, TMJ, autoimmune conditions, wound healing, recovery from injuries, bone density and osteoporosis, spinal realignment, flexibility and range of motion, bone spurs, and pet health, just to name a few.

Earthing is a revolutionary lifestyle improvement with surprising, and often dramatic, healing results. A seemingly simple, yet significant concept.

As an example, consider the effect of grounding on chronic inflammation, a prime agent of chronic and aging-related disorders, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and even depression and autism. Earthing puts out inflammation and quickly reduces inflammation-related pain!

Earthing restores a crucial electric bond to the Earth, which we gradually lost due to our modern way of life. Many of us endure a life of intense pain exactly due to this disconnection. When reconnected, people experience enhanced well-being, improved sleep quality, and a better appearance. They become healthier, and their pain and stress levels become reduced.

Earthing is a recovery technique that works for all ages, from infants to seniors. It revives the broken link to nature's neglected guardian – the Earth’s healing touch. 

Sleep grounded.

Your outlets have a "ground" plug that connects directly to your earth beneath your home or building. Safely separated from the electric grid, this untapped resource can now be used to connect you to Earth's healing energy - when you need it the most.

Plus, you can rest assured that all of our grounding products are lightning-proof.

Stay active with our anti-EMF grounding mats

Grounding should fit in to your daily routine, at night or throughout the day. We've designed solutions for the active Earth Bound person - mats for Yoga, work, and all other aspects of our life when we're on our feet.

Additionally, these mats protect us from EMF buildup in our body. Because we can't completely eliminate EMF at home, we can neutralize it with grounding.

Don't take our word for it


"I’m literally telling everybody I meet about this incredible tool to reconnect with the Earth and reclaim our bodies!  It’s no miracle cure or magic pill, but it certainly plays a powerful and very real part in managing my wider health."

Brian A. Gardner

"I am so happy with my earthing routine now. I wanted something to help me feel healthier in my body. I am 63 years old and just starting to develop some aches in my joints. Since using my earthing mat I have no troubles with my ankles, and my knees and back are feeling so much better."

Hannah Wilson

"I am delighted to say that my life has been transformed. Discovering the principle of Earthing and the phenomenal products that enable this, has released me from a life of unyielding effort and pain! At 65 I can continue my nursing career as a full time hospice nurse!"

Eliana Smith
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